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Annotated Bibliography - Project #2

Brown, Mackenzie. "How to be Successful at Disney Auditions." Video blog post. Youtube. N.p., 24 Feb. 2017. Web. <>.

This was a vlog on Youtube, that I found to be very informative. In this video, Mackenzie, a former Walt Disney World performer, discussed the different kinds of auditions you can go to, and what to expect for each one. Luckily, Mackenzie had been to each of the auditions she described, so her information was legitimate. She also mentioned her experience with watching videos online about what to expect at auditions, and how it helped her prepare herself. I used this video in my essay to stress what an amazing resource vlogs are when it comes to preparing for a Disney audition. I also referenced Mackenzie later in my essay, when I talk about why Disney auditions are sometimes very harsh. Mackenzie explained that sometimes, Disney is looking for roles that don’t match up with you in the moment, but in the future, that could change. I found this information very calming, and it made me feel better about the idea of getting cut early in the auditions process.

Slaboda, Danielle. "All About DCP Character Performer Auditions!" Video blog post. Youtube. N.p., 22 Feb. 2017. Web. <>.

This was another vlog post that I found on Youtube. I found this video to be extremely helpful, because Danielle went through each round in depth for a character performer audition. Danielle included so many details that should be considered when attending a Disney audition. The Disney audition process is always changing, so videos that have been recently posted about what to expect are more reliable than those from over a year ago. Along the way, she included little bursts of positivity, like “don’t get discouraged if you get cut” and “I have been to many auditions, so don’t worry about it”. I used this aspect of the video in my essay, and tied it back in with my first video source from Mackenzie Brown. It was also interesting to hear some of the opinions coming from a person that didn’t make it on their first or second try. Failure is part of life, and this video makes the audition process for Disney seem more realistic. Together, both of these women provided a feeling a relief when thinking about these stressful auditions. Danielle’s experiences, and stories are very useful, and I thought it was necessary to include her in my essay.

Smith, Julie. E-mail interview. 6 July 2017.

Julie is my former vocal coach, and I worked with her throughout my high school career. Julie is also a Disney fan like me, and worked for Disney when she was younger. She worked in multiple Disney parks around the world, performing in a “Singer, Dancer, and Movement” role. For these reasons, I decided to interview her. However, Julie auditioned for Disney in 1982, so she didn’t have videos to aid her when preparing for her audition. At first I was slightly discouraged, and thought that I wouldn’t be able to use this interview in my essay. However, I realized that it would be interesting to see how someone would prepare for an audition without the help of blogs or videos to reference along the way. Julie explained how she had people helping her in her everyday life, like her drama teacher, and her friends. In the interview, she also describes her feelings about the audition, and if she would change anything about her experience if she had to chance to go back. In my essay, I use this interview to compare and contrast people’s experiences auditioning both with and without the help of vlogs online.

Gust, Kara J., and Holly A. Flynn. "Finding Your Future: College and Career Information on the Internet." Journal of Library Administration. 43.3-4 (2005): 227-45. Web.

I found this information in an academic journal, which counts towards my academic source requirement. Although it doesn’t pertain specifically to Disney or auditions (there aren’t any academic journals concerning these things together), it does talk about the benefits of looking for information online. This piece discusses sources on the internet, that can be used to find out information on college and career opportunities. I used this information to tie in with my question of: “do vlogs online discussing Disney auditions help me prepare for my audition experience when the time finally comes?” The internet is growing more every day, with new information coming out from every nook and cranny. It is extremely beneficial to have the option of looking for job advice on the internet. In my essay, I talk about how people have been using the internet at an increasing rate when looking for information now-a-days. I also discuss how looking for information online helped me when putting together my research paper.

Chytry, Josef. "Walt Disney and the creation of emotional environments: interpreting Walt Disneys oeuvre from the Disney studios to Disneyland, CalArts, and the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT)." Rethinking History. 16.2 (2012): 259-78. Web.

This journal introduces the concept of “emotional environments”, which can be defined as a place that strives to bring forth good and positive emotions from everyone that passes through this environment. The journal goes on further to say that Walt Disney is the creator of these emotional environments, and will probably always be the “most influential person” when it comes to these emotional environments. I didn’t use this piece in my essay, but it helped a lot in my research of what Disney is all about. I wanted to get an accurate picture of Walt’s plans for Disney, and how he created an emotional environment out of each park he worked on (the main ones discussed are Hollywood Studios, Disneyland, and EPCOT). By using this piece in my research, I was able to see the original idea of what Disney was supposed to be about, before the voice of critics and other’s opinions were factored in.

Villmoar, Adelaide H., and Peter G. Stillman. "Pleasure and Politics in Disney’s Utopia." Canadian Review of American Studies. 32.1 (2002): 81-104. Web.

While the main attitude in this article is negative, I tried to focus on some of the happier parts for my essay. It goes on and on, talking about the same things that every Disney World critic talks about. However, there are certain points the authors touch upon, that bring forth a sense of hope and happiness. When discussing the uniformity of Disney and its parks, it talked a little about its cast members (Disney term for employees). It confirmed some of the strict rules that cast members must follow including: no visible tattoos, no nail polish, no excessive beard length for men, etc. Although I didn’t use those facts in my essay, (mostly because they have been discussed a million times before) I used them as something to think about when researching people’s experiences at Disney, and to see if these rules affected their opinions on the Disney experience what-so-ever. In my essay, I did include one line from the journal that I have always believed to be true. Disney is a place to forget the outside world, and to just enjoy yourself. This is something I admire about the Disney parks, and is one of the reasons why I believe it would be a nice job experience.

Guay, Louis-Martin, and Jacqueline Dinsmore. "Theatre of the Unexpected: When the Spectator Becomes Actor." Canadian Theatre Review. 143 (2010): 6-10. Web.

In Disney auditions, one of the rounds you must go through, is a form of improvisation. I thought it would be a smart idea to search for an overview of this form of acting, since it is required for an audition. I took theatre in high school, and have had a lot of experience with it, but it has been a while since I’ve been able to perform it. For this reason, I looked for an academic source that went through the basics of improvisation, and found this journal. This piece talks about the purpose of improv, both in theatre, and as a means of importance in everyday life. At one point, the authors even describe the art of improvisation as “magic”, which immediately made me think of the Disney auditions. The journal addresses some of the rules in improvisation (most of which I had learned before, but forgotten), and the connection the actors are supposed to make with their audience. The authors say that in a way, the spectators become the actors, and that is the beauty of improv. I liked reading this journal when studying for my research paper, because although I didn’t find this information in a vlog, it was still good information to have when going into an audition. This source does not make its way into my essay at any point, but it connects with the idea of how to prepare myself for these Disney auditions.

Carson, Charles. “Whole new worlds”: Music and the Disney Theme Park Experience." Ethnomusicology Forum. 13.2 (2004): 228-35. Web.

Since I don’t know anyone personally that has the same affection for Disney as I do, I was wondering why I felt this way, and others didn’t. Of course, I love the material that Disney publishes, but there must have been something else that played into my ginormous love for Disney, and why I want to work there so badly. When I found this journal, I thought it might be able to give some answer to my questions. This piece talks about the element of music in Disney, and how that manifests itself in our brains. As I mention in my essay, I grew up with Disney. I was constantly listening to Disney songs, watching Disney films, buying Disney merchandise, etc. The authors explain that in the Disney parks, those elements from our childhood are put in the spotlight, and we feel a sense of nostalgia. It seems like in a way, I am addicted to this nostalgia, and every time I step into Walt Disney World, I get the same giddy child-like feeling, and it’s as though I was little again. I had some of my best childhood memories in Disney World, and I discovered that I wanted to feel that at work every day, and I wanted to be able to create those memories for other kids. Although, I don’t discuss how music in the world of Disney played a role in my wanting to work there, it definitely helped me in my research, and taught me more about why I love this community so much.


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